My 'If I am dying soon' Bucket list

Hello World!

Let's talk about bucket lists! We've all heard about bucket lists by now or have even written one. A bucket list is a list of goals, aspirations or achievements we want to reach before we die. I wrote this particular bucket list in 2021. I don't remember why, but I'm sure around the time I wrote this list, I was thinking about my own mortality (which is too common for me and something I'll most likely blog about in the future...). I think these are things that would have put me on a high, basically give me all those happy and satisfied chemicals that would make me feel like I've lived a personally meaningful life. Let's take a look at each.

Please note that as it says, these are in somewhat of an order, which means I can do it in any order but some things have to be done at a specific time. We'll get to that part.

First on the list: Go to the Beach

This I've ticked off because, during this time and presently, I live close to beaches and can go to the beach whenever I feel like it. I have always been drawn to water and water bodies but I never grew up near any beach. I hardly visited any beaches or rivers during my younger years so having easy access to a beach was a luxury. One that I was very proud to show off. Going to the beach was healing for me. I don't know how to swim but I was always the most excited to go into the water. Listening to the waves calms my mind and simplifies my thoughts. There are never any worries at the beach.

Following up on that, next on the list was Skinny Dipping

What's the next best thing to being in the ocean or a river? Being submerged in water without any clothes. I'm not a stickler when it comes to clothes. Our nakedness is who we are at the core and clothes are a social construct (you can come and fight me on that) plus of course, there is the excitement that comes with 'breaking the rules'. It's fun! 

Next! Have Sex

Sex is good, sex is nice and it's fun! At that point, I was ready and open to fulfilling my desires and exploring womanhood, which I have a right to. It's a good way to get in on some oxytocin! Apart from persons who don't feel the desire to, who wouldn't want to do this before they die? 

 Eat and Drink to my Heart's Desire

I love food! And not in a gluttonous way, but I love to taste good food! Disclaimer, like any drug, it can get addicting. Imagine you have a rough day and you get your favourite food, drink or snack and you take a bite or a sip and all your problems just dissolve in that bite. Here come those happy chemicals in the brain again! If I know I'm dying, I gotta get something really nice to eat.

Write about My Life

I've always had this desire to share my journey through life. I've silently dealt with many things on my own and now I want my voice to be heard. Which is basically what I'm doing right now with this blog. Things literally fell into place for this one.


Man...I stay crying. Around the time I wrote this, I probably needed a good cry because I've been holding in so many things that need to be released. Don't hold in your feelings and emotions, it's not good for your body. Give your body some love and cry today.

Put together My Written works

As a teenager, my way of coping was writing poetry. I spoke about this in extent in my post called "I Wrote to Save Myself". I felt like I needed to give this version of me some recognition by putting together her most prized possessions and sharing them with the world in hopes of finding someone who could relate to them in some way. 

Rewatch my favourite Drama Series

I watch K-dramas and C-dramas. My all-time favourites are two C-dramas: "The Legend of Li-Haolan" and "The Untamed". I could rewatch these over and over again and never get tired of them. They were a comfort to me and a way to escape my reality during that time of my life.

Binge-watch BTS videos

I'm a K-pop girly. Specifically, BTS Army girly. Consuming BTS content helped me through one of the most depressing times of my life. They made me laugh and gave me comfort and hope. Another meaningful way of escapism.

Watch a BTS concert (Must be the last thing I do before I die)

I remember watching a 2017 BTS concert and it was one of the most amazing things ever!! I sang, cried, laughed, smiled, danced, bounced on my bed, sang, died, was born again, lost my mind, cried, laughed, excited, died some more and then brought back to life again and again. I was on a hiiggghhhhhh that's why I was very specific about doing this right before I die. Because who wouldn't want to die on a high??!!?!??!? (that's actually pretty morbid lol)

And lastly! Make Art

This one is dear to me as Art is my first true love. This is something that I'm passionate about and will elaborate on in a future blog post. If I don't do anything in this life, I have to do art. If I can't do art in this lifetime, then I have not lived. 

That's my bucket list folks! Do you have a bucket list? Tell me in the comments below.



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