A Start

Hello World!

I'm Lael. I'm 24 and still figuring out my life... 

Today I found this blog by coincidence. I don't remember creating this blog in 2019. I saw the bio and the profile photo and knew that it was most definitely mine. I decided to keep the bio for sentimental reasons. Maybe in the future, I'll end up changing it. But I love it the way it is right now. 

In this phase of my life, I'm going through so much growth. This is the kind of growth that changes rocks to diamonds and turns caterpillars into butterflies. I've been wanting to talk about my experiences for so long and I decided that I need to start a podcast. However, discovering this blog feels like a sign. A much-needed sign. 

I don't know what will become of it; if it will be something successful or if it will just be an online diary. All I know is that I have stories to tell and this is my chance to tell them. Will you follow me on this journey?



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