Expectations vs Reality

 Hello World!

Yesterday I had an interview and something came up during that conversation that allowed me to verbalize an experience I've been going through. My expectations seem to not meet my reality.

Ever since I was a young girl, I always daydreamed about what my adult life would look like. And believe me, I'm nowhere near where I thought I would be. If I were, I'd be rich! I'd have my own home and my own car. I'd never be out of food and I'd be an IT girl!

But life took me along so many paths little me could never have imagined. Every time I travel down a new road, I have certain expectations for it and, oftentimes, they are never met. These days I have been standing the test of time. I keep having expectations that, I believe will be met because, quite frankly, they're really not impossible. But my expectations kept getting hit by reality. Over and over again. 

I've reached my witts end too many times in the past 3 months. And when I thought I had nothing left, I found a sense of purpose again. That makes all the difference. I keep creating new expectations and despite the reality of the world hitting them down, I keep getting back up. I'm discovering now that perseverance might very well be my strong suit because I've been training in perseverance for a very long time now.

And even though I keep getting disappointed, I still have the drive to keep dreaming and believing. Maybe it's my Pisces rising but I stay having my heads in the clouds no matter how many times I trip and fall. 

What's your experience with expectations vs reality? Let me know in the comments.



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